Sunday, October 21, 2007

Well this is the starting of something....

... well I hope something beautiful. I figured I'm an opionated enough, I should type out the little thoughts that run through my tired ole mind. Basically my idea is to tell about the benign goings on that happen throughout the day that make me laugh, cry, or just want to scream that I figure are worth blogging about.
To be truthful about it.. I didn't get blogging at first. I mean really? Why would anyone want to blog or read someone elsesblogs? But after reading other blogger's beside me, I realized there is something to be said for this whole thing. For a change I can say something and not be interrupted by kids LOL (ahhh basking in the thought for a moment). It's also cheap therapy ;)... for me, not for you I mean. Well if someone can get a good chuckle out of my misery, or gleam some kind of ah! ha! moment for themselves, then I did something positive.